To all dear readers of my comments,
I am running pretty busy because of commitments, liabilities and assignments. This include my personal as well as professional life.. And I hope to be free of all this stuff very soon.. Till then bear with me..
I'll be back (very soon)..
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I'll be back
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hindi vs English News Channels
Do you really think the language of communication determines interests of people/community? I don’t think any news channel would like showing news which doesn’t interest its audience and would voluntarily decrease their TRP. But does that mean that the hindi news channel audience is so much interested in news like someone murdered in some XYZ sector of Noida and they want the journalists to follow the investigation day in and day out! Or may it be a rape case and how does the victim feel or breaking news like the IPS officer gets his absconding pet back.
Dude grow up! There are lots of other constructive things to be shown. Are the news channel just about some or the other “BREAKING NEWS” which I never found to be that much breaking anyhow and showing crime documentaries after 22:00hrs? I respect the English news channels till the moment I am writing this blog because of the content they show. May be my view differs from other audience because of the content which affects me and bothers me might be different from what matters for other people. But don’t the news channels have a social responsibility towards the nation too. I remember a month back they were blindly behind “THE GREAT KHALI” and the news these days is none other than a girl murdered in Noida. Are they not bothered anyhow about the Presidential election in US or what happened to the NASA’s Phoenix, or the inflation rate and how to fight back?
But this is not just about the news providers fault. They will furnish the news which people find interesting and to my sheer astonishment people are really interested in crap things. So just a plea to all you to please leave the victims in isolation as they are already so much agonized and you don’t feel pity on their plight rather you just watch that and talk about it on snacks and lunch tables. Be constructive, you won’t anyhow get benefited from all such news..
Monday, June 9, 2008
Everyone is blogging
Blogging seems to be the name of the game these days. You can find hell lots of stars writing blogs these days, may it be or
.. Yesterday I was watching a entertainment channel which claims that even Salman Khan is about to start blogging.
I have also started blogging couple of weeks back only and so was trying to think of the purpose of writing blog. and
defines blog more or less similarly as “an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page”. But is blogging limited to just maintaining a personal web diary or a stack of thoughts and comments on events in life? No I don’t think so. The origin of blog was to suffice as a personal record which you can share with your circle, but blogging has evolved into something far more than that. And with concepts like Adsense into play, blogging has emerged as a source of income. Television channels claim that Big B was paid as handsome an amount as 100 crores Rs just to write blogs on bigadda by Reliance group. Aamir Khan recently used his blog to remark Shahrukh as ugly and licking his feet so as to draw Aamir’s attention (and then mentioning a disclaimer that by Shahrukh he was referring to his dog). So is blogging about getting into controversies too?
Anyways will tell you my reason of starting to blog. I started blogging so as to express my views on topics that interest me and my blog I hope will remain a crux of the events that happen in and around me. But yeah I was very much motivated by the blogs that I regularly read and one of them is off course .
So friends keep reading . if you want to check out how the world looks like from a software engineer’s (who is a normal person) point of view..
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Similarity between Onion & Petrol
Which will affect you more, a 5 Rs raise in per kg onion or a 5Rs raise in per liter gasoline?
I sometimes really feel pity about the plight of this country. Off course I am an Indian and am patriotic about the country but feel like agonized and frustrated. During the NDA government tenure, the then honorable Prime Minister had to mention about the steep rise in price of onions in and more or less similar event happened yesterday evening, Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh addressed nation to explain the crisis situation and why it was necessary to encourage such a steep hike in petroleum products. I respect Mr. Manmohan Singh and his ideology. He has always been a legitimate gentleman throughout his career as a politician.
None of the government in power would like to negatively affect people when the elections are nearing, but if the market conditions are so stringent then there is no other way for the government other than levying these rates on common man. Lots of good things happened yesterday, after a long time I got to hear an intelligent debate from bureaucrats as well as big industrialists on news channels. Otherwise these days after the IPL is over, the prime time news was nothing more than a murder in Noida, why the investigation has been given away to CBI, some heroine doing an item song in a movie, some cricketer caught with drugs.
Okay!! How has this price hike affected me? Now my bike will take me only 1.09 KMs for every rupee I spend, earlier it was 1.2KMs (affects me by only .11KM for every rupee I spend). I developed a perspective about the term COMMON MAN. Every news channel was bothered about common man and his expenses. Some of the questions I have about this term,
# Is there no existence of the term COMMON WOMAN? Grow up people, women are sharing each and every tough ground with men today.
# How do you define the term COMMAN MAN? Is it a subjective definition with lots of case statements or is it objective like the person below poverty line or the person earning XYZ Rs per month.
# Am I a COMMON MAN? If yes fine, if not then which category do I belong to?
Another term which I learnt yesterday was hybrid vehicles. Do you know about them and their working? If not do visit or
Anyways all these discussions apart, I am really frightened about the after effects of this price hike in petroleum products. They will affect me everywhere. Every commodity that I buy will be now at a premium rate because of this rise but man I can’t do anything. Only power that I have is of voting and with this huge population, I doubt how my vote matters?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Traditional vs New Courses
Last week I received call from my younger cousin brother. He was happy but was still lost. CBSE board declared X class results and he scored quite well in that (for those of you who don't know CBSE, it stands for Central Board of Secondary Education. It is the biggest authority for education in India at school level). So he was happy. But still was confused about his future. He asked me that can I assure him a good job, fat paycheck and ample onsite opportunity if he get into Bachelors of Engineering course in computer science stream and obviously clears that with good marks. Whoops boy no one in this world can guarantee that and neither did I.
He was again lost. He called up with the expectations that I would be able to mentor and guide him for a bright and fruitful career. His mind was just jumping between taking up traditional courses and opting for the new courses that lots of institutions have to offer. There was a time (may be in 20th century) when being an engineer/doctor/lawyer was something very prestigious and rewarding. But the world is not the same today, today education is just a criterion which can take you to a level and can give thrust to your profile but what matters is your grip and know how of what domain you are working in. There are hell lots of courses available today which you might not have even heard of. And they are all specialize ones. Have you ever heard of IITs providing specialization in nanoscience, biomedical sciences, applied economics, environmental science and engineering, earth sciences, polymer science, pulp and paper technology or Pune University providing P.G. Diploma in Geo-environmental appraisal and Management?
These seem to be pretty specialized courses and there are industries and institutions working in these niche areas which can give you ample opportunities. So what is holding you back? Get onto www and search for something which interests you and around which you can weave a remarkable, rewarding and self satisfying career.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Future of Indian Software industry
As my profile says I am a "Soft Proff", so today I thought of writing about something that concerns me and people earning their livelihood from Indian software industry and trying to make their foot prints hard to vanish. I am quite optimistic about the growth prospects, but I doubt till when?
Indian software industry ever since its inception has been more or less US based until in recent years they have very well learnt lessons and have accordingly modified their business strategies and revenue concentration. They are now banking on opportunities available in Middle East, South East Asia, Europe, South America etc. For this biggies like ,
have done real big acquisitions like
I respect the foresight of the Indian IT leaders and the hard work they have put in to make this dream of a flourished Indian IT industry come true. But how far will it go from here. You all will very well agree with me that near about 70-80% of the work done from India is more or less service based. We make softwares for renowned banks abroad, for shopping malls, automobile industry and they are all successful softwares. But boy we are still not into whole and sole product industry. Why? Do we lack innovativeness, or we don't have that kind of foresight regarding what would be successful and what the market will need in coming days? Or we fear that we won't be able to market the products? The major reason I feel we are not into product industry is because India doesn't have a domestic software market. Off course it is growing but still the appetite is quite low. Once the domestic market develops a good appetite then there would be need based product development which will obviously flourish eventually down the line. And this will decrease the dependency on dollar or euro.
What about the service based industry? There would be one point in time when every transaction in this world would have been automated and there would be a code to do that and store that. Will the organizations afford to rewrite the code then? Even if there is a new technology, will there be a code base migration? I don't think so. New technologies which are much more efficient are already in market but still mainframes are used in hell lot of businesses. So what will happen to service based industry then? There will be service based industry, but there will be only maintenance and sustenance jobs and no core development jobs. But when will this happen? Has anybody predicted this or am I getting too pessimistic? Anyways I am no more in service industry so am not that much bothered.
But still I am a part of the almighty software community. So long live software industry!!