Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Howz life treating you..? How has been your life at xyz organization..?

These questions seem to be very easy to answer momentarily. But I really want to again start the discussion WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT.. Today the world is moving at such a fast pace and so is life.. I am a software professional, I have worked on what people screemingly claim to be complex softwares and have found bugs which were real interesting.. But I never got to find any bug in life...

The above question is answered differently by different people. If you ask any person with biology as a major in college, he will define life in terms of molecules, hydrogen and oxygen, different kinds of species that exist no earth and the speculations that they exist on other planets too.Thats the science perspective to it.. But I feel that there are things and parameters which cann't be measured by any metric system and I feel that is what defines life.

Life is not just about living.. This seems to be a very vast topic to me. I would like to mention here whatever I have seen, observed and learnt in my 24 years of age. It seems to be a kind of vicious circle to me. Where to start from. Okay first of all I will jot down personality traits of some people around me.. First of all madam K. I haven't seen anyone so much content from life. She seems to be satisfied and happy with whatever she had, has and will have in future. She doesn't have any dreams, aspirations and expectations from life, she lives life in present without thinking about future and with very less thought about past. One friend of mine Mr B.. He is happy with life, but as it happens with any young guy, he has got lots of aspiratioins in life and then I feel his life gets affected by people around him. He seems to be pretty much satisfied with life as far as there is no development at his friend's front. Then comes Mr K. Actually I know couple of Mr Ks. But I mention about the "K" who is close to me. Mr K has always been on the back seat as far as living life is concerned. I feel life cann't be lived fully without your anticipation. But he is a great believer of hindu mythology which states, your destiny is defined and so you are not craftsman for it. You are just here to spend that tenure, no matter how you feel, what you do to fight back or how you enjoy it. I have also encountered people who are so much bothered about what others around them are doing and then there are guys who are least concerned about their surroundings.

I heard someone someday saying no one learns in mother's womb, its the experience and your learning apetite which makes you successfull. And I am trying to learn the world and live life king size no matter what circumstances I encounter...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have learnt a new lesson in life from one of my very good friends. And the moto is "Hakunamata". Live the life your own way, put your worries in dungeon.