Thursday, May 29, 2008

Status Messages!!

Yeah I am talking about instant messengers only.


I had deployed a job and in the meantime was looking at the IMs I use, YM, GTalk and MOC to be specific. And I enjoyed reading the status messages of my contacts once again.

  • To err is human and to blame it on a computer is even more so
  • We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of time: Premature optimization is the root of all evil
  • Positive self talk
  • One of the reasons why people hold on to memories so tight is because memories are the only thing that doesn’t change when everything else does!!!
  • In organizations, real power is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacity to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles and positions..
  • We don’t know what we don’t know.
  • Well behaved people never made a history
Yahoo Messenger
  • If you win, you need not explain but if you loose you should not be there to explain
  • Beautiful weather in beautiful Netherlands
  • It doesn’t matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends with the same boss
  • Of all the words in English, worst three are “Could have been…”
  • Get busy living or get busy dying
  • Not life but good life is to be chiefly valued
  • Stay hungry stay foolish
  • Ek ajnabi jhoke ne kal poocha mere gum ka sabab, sehera ki bhigi ret mei meine likha awargi
  • Life is simple not easy, don’t try to understand life just live it
  • Chand sa mukhada – Ali Haider
  • Smile is a curve that makes everything straight
  • There is no sincere love than love for food J
  • The more mariners I have around me, the much more safer I feel

Interesting huh..

The reason I feel people don’t keep status messages in MOC (for those who don’t know what MOC means – it stands for Microsoft Office Communicator), is because they use it for official purpose but YM, GTalk, Rediff Bol, AOL messenger are all mostly used personally only.. So we may find dumb and non catchy status of people on MOC like Online, Busy, Do Not Disturb and Away. Man grow up people do have emotions also and not just availability.

I really respect the innovativeness of the guy who must have come up with this idea of status messages in messengers. Being human is all about having emotions, feelings, opinions, availability and lot more..

Moa status message says “all paid jobs absorb and degrade mind”. What is yours for the day??


Maddy said...

I second your opinion.. Being professional doesn't mean you are not human..

Unknown said...

Emotions, Feelings......yes these are having major role in deciding the opinion of a human. Most of the people take decisions according to their feelings to be happy in life, and this is the motto of everyone... to be happy.
But the emotions and feelings are affected by the enviornment, the society U live. And again everyone see or understand the society according to their perception.

Some rules/trends are very good and important for life, but some are there just because they are just followed blindly. To make society better to live, some people have to bear the responsibility to change/set the trends.

I wanna do something.........
What do U think ???

Anonymous said...

The ironic part that has unfolded these days is it's becoming more of a showoff these days. Or Isn't it :).